Saint John the EvangeliST

the blessed virgin mary's assumption and coronation

From the day of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 15th, to the day of the Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, August 22nd, St. John the Evangelist parish spends eight days celebrating her Assumption and Coronation, and praying for her intercession. During these days of prayer, adults are invited to light special candles, and children are invited to buy carnations in her honor.


If you would like to light a candle, or buy a carnation, you may email your intention below, and a card will be included among those offered. In the fields below, please indicate your name, or write "Anonymous" if you would like to remain anonymous. Please give your email, and then what intention you would like to offer during these days of prayer. Intentions can be anonymous intentions as well. Intentions could be for the repose of the soul of a loved one, for someone's health, for children to do well in school, for loved ones to come back to church, or anything for which you would like to ask the Mother of God.


You may light more than one candle. If you have more than one intention, please indicate how many candles you are lighting. The suggested donation for the candles is $5.00; the suggested donation for the carnations is $0.25. Please mail a check for the total amount made payable to St. John the Evangelist and send to our address below. Thank you and may you know the protection of Mary, Queen of Heaven and earth!


161 E First Avenue


PA 15537







Name *
E-mail *
Intention(s) *