Even if you cannot come to Mass, you can still give to the parish either by sending a check or going through the diocesan website. After you go to the diocesan webpage, click the Make a Donation button under "Your Parish Offertory." Choose the "One Time Donation" button. Next fill out all the information. Make sure to choose (022) St. John the Evangelist, Everett. There are two other parishes named St. John the Evangelist. Please make sure you choose the correct St. John the Evangelist!
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil | 5:30 PM
Sundays | 9:00 AM
Weekdays M, W, Th, F | 8:30 AM
Holy Days of Obligation: Check the bulletin
Contact the parish office or the pastor for
Annointing the Sick
Baptism | includes Baptism preparation
Marriage | Contact the parish office nine months before expected wedding date
Christian Initiation of Adults
Eucharistic Adoration
Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet
Stations of the Cross
MInistries include education, lay readers, alter servers, music, and more.
Review ministry opportunities
We the Eucharistic community of St. John The Evangelist Parish, gather to celebrate our communion with God, the Father, Christ, the teacher, and the Holy Spirit, the inspiration, through worship, prayer, education, and community service.
We undertake in our spiritual journey to share our experience of Christ‘s love and mercy and to extend that experience to all the community. In so doing, we form a haven where all are welcomed, all are loved, and all are challenged to proclaim and live the Gospel.
During his visit to the United States, Pope John Paul II referred to the parish as the "family of families".
Our parish of St. John the Evangelist is just such a family. This year we unite in thanking God for the countless blessings. He has showered on us during the past years since the founding as an independent parish in 1971. The love, dedication, sacrifices, and generosity of our parishioners have made St. John's an outstanding testimony of God's presence in the Everett area.